Axiom Experimental SDK enables new features like Transactions and Receipts.
Transactions and Receipts are now available in our Experimental SDK. The experimental Axiom circuits generate mock proofs that are formatted in the same form as the final proof, but without proving the actual data.
You can use your favorite package manager (npm, yarn, pnpm) to install the Experimental SDK:
npm i @axiom-crypto/experimental@0.3.8
To set up the SDK, create a new instance of Axiom as follows:
Create an instance of a signer (wallet) that can sign transactions:
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.PROVIDER_URI_GOERLI as string);
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as string, provider);
Creating a Query
You can still create a regular block/account/state query using standard SDK methods. The new experimental Transactions and Receipts Query will have a maximum of 8 rows.
Each query produces a deterministic hash that can only be sent to the contract once. Therefore, you have to change the below data to be unique to your use case or else your transaction will revert.
Transactions & Receipts Query
To create a Transactions and Receipts Query (maximum of 4 Transactions and 4 Receipts rows), use the newTxReceiptsQueryBuilder convenience function to create a new builder instance: